@extends('frontend.Default.layouts.app') @section('page-title', 'Progress') @section('add-main-class', 'main-pt') @section('content') @php if(Auth::check()){ $currency = auth()->user()->present()->shop ? auth()->user()->present()->shop->currency : ''; } else{ $currency = ''; } @endphp @include('frontend.Default.partials.header')


Play, Level Up, Get Rewards!

When playing slots, you’ll accumulate points and guarantee yourself increasingly larger rewards for opening new statuses. These rewards are an addition to your in-game wins. To see all the rewards available, check out the table below. Here we go!

@if($progress && count($progress)) @foreach($progress AS $item)
@php $badge = strlen($item->rating) == 1 ? '0' . $item->rating : $item->rating; @endphp
{{ $item->rating }} level {{ number_format($item->bonus, 0,""," ") }} {{ $currency }}
  • Money In {{ number_format($item->sum, 0,""," ") }}
  • Type {{ __('app.' . $item->type) }}
  • Bid Amount {{ $item->spins }}
  • Minimal Bet {{ $item->bet }}
@endforeach @endif
@endsection @section('footer') @include('frontend.Default.partials.footer') @endsection @section('scripts') @include('frontend.Default.partials.scripts') @endsection