@extends('frontend.Default.layouts.app') @section('page-title', 'Bonus') @section('add-main-class', 'main-pt') @section('content') @php if(Auth::check()){ $currency = auth()->user()->present()->shop ? auth()->user()->present()->shop->currency : ''; } else{ $currency = ''; } @endphp @include('frontend.Default.partials.header')
@foreach($bonuses AS $item) @if( $item['is_first'] ) @if($item['type'] == 'happyhour')
Happy Hour

Bonus up to $ Multiplier {{ $item['data']->multiplier }}
Wager {{ $item['data']->wager }}
Time {{ \VanguardLTE\HappyHour::$values['time'][$item['data']->time] }}

@elseif($item['type'] == 'progress')
Progress Bonus

Bonus up to $ {{ $item['data']->bonus }} Bonus {{ $item['data']->bonus }} {{ $currency }} x{{ $item['data']->wager }} Payment Sum {{ __('app.' . $item['data']->type) }} {{ $item['data']->sum }}{{ $currency }} Spins {{ $item['data']->spins }}
Bet {{ $item['data']->bet }}
Rating {{ $item['data']->rating }}
Day {{ $item['data']->day }}
Percent {{ $item['data']->percent }}
Min Balance {{ $item['data']->min_balance }}
Min {{ $item['data']->min }}
Max {{ $item['data']->max }}

@elseif($item['type'] == 'invite')
Invite Friends

Bonus up to $ {{ $item['data']->sum }} Bonus {{ $item['data']->sum }} {{ $currency }} Friend Bonus {{ $item['data']->sum_ref }} {{ $currency }} Sum {{ $item['data']->min_amount }} {{ $currency }} x{{ $item['data']->wager }}
Waiting Time {{ $item['data']->waiting_time }} days

@elseif($item['type'] == 'sms_bonus')
SMS Bonus

Bonus up to $ @foreach($item['data'] AS $res) Days {{ $res->days }} {{ $res->bonus }} {{ $currency }} x{{ $res->wager }}

@elseif($item['type'] == 'welcome_bonus')
Welcome Bonus

Bonus up to {{ $item['data']->bonus }} {{ $currency }} Minimal amount of deposit is {{ $item['data']->sum }} {{ $currency }}
bonus {{ $item['data']->bonus }} {{ $currency }}

@endif @endif @endforeach
@foreach($bonuses AS $item) @if( !$item['is_first'] ) @if($item['type'] == 'happyhour')
Happy Hour

All deposits will be multiplied by {{ $item['data']->multiplier }} Time {{ \VanguardLTE\HappyHour::$values['time'][$item['data']->time] }}

@elseif($item['type'] == 'progress')
Progress Bonus

Minimal amount of deposit is {{ $item['data']->sum }} {{ $currency }} Bonus {{ $item['data']->bonus }} {{ $currency }}

@elseif($item['type'] == 'invite')
Invite Friends

For each friend get a bonus {{ $item['data']->sum }} {{ $currency }} A friend will receive a bonus of {{ $item['data']->sum_ref }} {{ $currency }}

@elseif($item['type'] == 'sms_bonus')
SMS Bonus

If you forgot about us for 5 days We will send you a bonus 5 {{ $currency }}

@elseif($item['type'] == 'welcome_bonus')
Welcome Bonus

Minimal amount of deposit is {{ $item['data']->sum }} {{ $currency }} Bonus {{ $item['data']->bonus }} {{ $currency }}

@endif @endif @endforeach
@endsection @section('footer') @include('frontend.Default.partials.footer') @endsection @section('scripts') @include('frontend.Default.partials.scripts') @endsection